Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What to do?

So, Billy is in Texas right now. He's in a class in Austin. I want to blieve he is crying himself to sleep every night in agony over how much he misses us, but let's be real...we are talking about Billy, and we are talking about Texas.

So in the meantime, Avery and I have been trying to keep ourselves busy. I called all my girlfriends so we could all get together and take our kids to the Aquatic Park, but I forgot it was Father's Day and that they would probably want to spend time with their husbands and children. OOps. So me and Avery decided to go anyway.

I was surprised. It was kind of nice. I have to be careful here. I don't want to give off the impression that I may have found soemthing here that I like....

Avery had a blast. It was tough keeping up with her. She has no fear. At some point, she decided that lifeguarding was her second calling and started to copy everything they were doing, including blowing her imaginary whistle and telling people to walk. Ms. Bossy. I can't wait 'til she's a teenager.

About 2 hours after we got there, I realized she had lost one of her earplugs, so I had to find a way for us to leave, but make it her idea. So I started to ask her about our cat and maybe he was hungry and lonely. She hasn't yet learned to see through my manipulation, and so we were able to leave with our dignity and no disruption of the entire water park. WHEW!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

You're devious...I like it. Have to remember that cat line, except that we don't have a cat. Looks like she had a lot of fun. She's getting so big!